Paper cuts

While on a morning browse through the internet looking for some information on materials, I came acoss this site. I am always amazed when I see intricate works of paper art. There are many other artists that do incredible things with just a sheet of paper and a few hand tools. A large majority of … Continue reading

Blik Bloc

A lot of people already know about Blik, but for those who didn’t, allow me to introduce the most awesome way to keep your security deposit and still decorate your apartment with zero hassle! I discovered these a few years ago, and I was thrilled at the huge variety of amazing designs they have for … Continue reading


Seeing good typography is something wholly appealing and comforting at the same time.  I’m sure everyone knows the most famous frontrunner of the pack, Helvetica. While I love the strong utilitarianism and simplicity of helvetica, I’m not here to talk about that, or any other specific typeface.  I really just wanted to kick off one … Continue reading